Friday, April 18, 2008

The Pope Is No Help

Because The Pope was visiting Eldorado today there was no houndstooth to be seen whatsoever, or so I thought, because of Pope's aversion to the pattern, which he has called, "Unnatural" and "Not in keeping with the tenets of the church." I thought I might see houndstooth wearing protestors being dragged down the street by temporarily blue-clad police (who we all know, in Eldorado, normally sport the offending design).

As it was, however, 78 degrees, there was no houndstooth to be seen anyway. When I, later, got onto a crowded transit train, to my dismay there was only one available seat, and it was inches away from a large woman wearing a dress with an impressionistic red design, and on her knees, resting, a bold black and white houndstooth jacket. I bravely sat there anyway, me knees jammed into the flesh of her behind (the seats on this train facing all over the place, seemingly designed by a playfully sadistic social scientist). Then... right next to me another woman sat, and in her lap was the first I've ever seen of a two-tone, red and black in alternating stripes, houndstooth jacket! That being WAY to much to look at, I focused my attention on the black and white jacket in front of me. The horrible thing is, it started undulating on the slippery fabric of her dress like a live animal, like a slithery mink or otter! Which, besides being terrifying in itself, revealed a red satin liner, looking like the belly of a snake!

I must have passed out at that point, because when I regained consciousness they were both gone and I had missed my stop!

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